Tham khảo AI-complete

  1. Shapiro, Stuart C. (1992). Artificial Intelligence In Stuart C. Shapiro (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (Second Edition, pp. 54–57). New York: John Wiley. (Section 4 is on "AI-Complete Tasks".)
  2. Roman V. Yampolskiy. Turing Test as a Defining Feature of AI-Completeness. In Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics (AIECM) --In the footsteps of Alan Turing. Xin-She Yang (Ed.). pp. 3-17. (Chapter 1). Springer, London. 2013.
  3. Mallery, John C. (1988), “Thinking About Foreign Policy: Finding an Appropriate Role for Artificially Intelligent Computers”, The 1988 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association., St. Louis, MO.
  4. Mueller, Erik T. (1987, March). Daydreaming and Computation (Technical Report CSD-870017) PhD dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles. ("Daydreaming is but one more AI-complete problem: if we could solve anyone artificial intelligence problem, we could solve all the others", p. 302)
  5. Raymond, Eric S. (1991, March 22). Jargon File Version 2.8.1 (Definition of "AI-complete" first added to jargon file.)
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